Ear Candy Prank Call CD by Bobby Pyn - ALL FREE PRANK CALLS!

Now you can hear the entire second prank call CD
"Ear Candy"
released by crank call specialist Bobby Pyn for FREE!!!

Title: Ear Candy
Running Time: 44:39 minutes
Total prank calls on CD: 19 tracks

If you have been going in order this is prank call CD #3...you are now a prank call junkie! Ear Candy will surely satisfy all your prank call cravings! Get your fix now with even more insensitive and insulting crank calls then ever before. This prank call CD features the latest category entitled “ESCORTS”, and contains some of the funniest crank calls ever!

01. Intro
02. Attitude
03. Swinging Margret
04. Make it personal
05. Coupon
06. Have a hint?
07. Punch card
08. Real nice
09. Hope I don't find you!
10. Angry husband
11. Go back to bed
12. It's not over
13. LA Fitness
14. What are you selling?
15. Why are you bored?
16. Baby batter
17. Private property
18. Take a message
19. Token

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